Headland Benefice

Mother's Union

St Oswald's Branch of the Mother's Union 

The Mothers Union

There is a lively group of women who meet monthly with a variety of speakers and social events at 2pm on the last Thursday of the month in Flamborough Church Hall. 

We hold a corporate communion 2nd Thursday of month 10:30 St Oswald’s. We have sponsored a family holiday at the MU caravan at Blue Dolphin caravan Park in Gristhorpe, for the last 5 years, had a collection of toiletries for the Food bank for Christmas and managed to raise enough from our meetings to send £100 to various MU charitable appeals.

We also have a small pastoral role within our church community as many of our members are elderly and/or alone, and it provides a chance to get out and about to meet up with people and we hope that any of our members would feel that they could ask for help if they needed anything.

Contact Sue Brown 01262 851416

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