Headland Benefice

The Strickland Family

Strickland family crest

Sir Bernard Burke and other authorities state that the family of Strickland, said by tradition to have come over with the Conqueror, was seated originally at Strickland in Westmoreland, and that Sizergh Castle near Kendal became the home of the family through marriage of Walter Strickland with Agnes D'Eyn'court, heiress of Sizergh. Some of the family remained at Strickland and from there came the Stricklands of Boynton, Beverley and Flamborough.

Thomas Strickland carried the banner of St. George at Agincourt, and his son Walter held the office of Hereditary Master of the Royal Harriers. A William Strickland accompanied Jean Cabot to America, and he is said to have brought the first turkeys to England - following which Edward VI, in a grant of arms, allowed him to take as his crest the turkey instead of the Holly crest of Stickland of Sizergh. This William was probably the great grandfather of the Walter Stickland pardoned by King Charles II.

Miss Agnes Strickland, authoress of "The Queens of England" tells us of William's voyages and also quotes the old saying "Hops, turkeys, carp and beer - came into England all in one year!" - which, if not strictly correct, at any rate makes a good rhyme.

It is interesting to note that the Constables of Wassand are descended from Sir William Constable (brother of Sir Marmaduke the Little). One of them, the Reverend Charles Constable, had a daughter who married Sir George Chomley of Boynton, eldest son of Sir William Strickland. His son, born in 1821, took by Royal License the additional surname of Constable, thus linking his name as well as his parentage into two families who together had been closely associated with Flamborough for over six hundred years.

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